I'm thinking of getting a regular job again, for a while at least, one with a weekly commitment to work during the daytime most days. Part of me feels like it would be torture. I hope I'm not lazy. I hope I'm not resistant to all kinds of commitment.
Another option may be to participate in a research study. It would involve 2 weeks away from friends and family. I hope I would still have internet access, at least an allowance of time each day. Being away from my friends for so long would be hard. But I think I could do it, promising myself a bash of social experiences afterwards. Besides, as one of my more introverted friends pointed out, I could view it as an extended spiritual retreat, a time to pray and read and journal. I'm grateful that this doesn't sound impossible to me, or even all that scary (though it does sound serious; what if God says something unexpected?).
I've spent a year trusting God to provide for me, and it has been marvelous to watch. Even recently He was reminding me just how much my anxiety about money is unwarranted. I don't want to give up on the lesson. I want to trust Him to provide through work of whatever kind, or from the deliveries of ravens, or by sustaining that which I already have - whatever means He wants.
The truth is, I don't like making these kinds of decisions for myself. I need God's guidance. I wish for human authority. And not really having that makes it a little bit harder, to feel the need for income, to search out possibilities, to evaluate things on my own, and to make commitments (or decline them).
To God be all glory.