Saturday, September 30, 2006


What places in the world (including the US) do you want to visit? Why?

I don't like answering "favorite" questions. "What's your favorite Bible verse?" Um, I have to pick? "What is your favorite color?" Today? So I like lists. Long ones. When you answer the above question, you can leave a list as long as you want.

After I've gotten three responses, I'll post my answer.

To God be all glory.


  1. Well, I have a "list". Do you mind if I comment here? I find your blog interesting. Your love of Jane Austen reminds me of my sister. :-P

    Okay, I want to visit the famous museums, go back east and see all the Civil War sites, the Capitol, maybe New York city (I don't know), and Dinosaur National Monument in Utah. That's all I can think of for now!


  2. Alright, here's my list as it stands right now. It's still subject to change.

    Prince Edward Island, Ireland, Scotland, England, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Australia, New Zealand and then over to Hawaii for a bit before coming home.

    I'm not really seeing the charm of Iceland. You'll have to convince me =)

    Love you muchly,

  3. Hello, I found your blog from Crystal Paine's, and liked the name:-) I would like to go to England, Switzerland again, the states of Virginia and Maine...and India has always sounded intriguing. Did you see Mrs. Chancey's blog posts about revisiting the places in Jane Austen's books:

    You have a nice blog--I enjoyed reading it!

  4. Now that I skimmed through the rest of your blog archives, I saw that you already have seen Mrs. Chancey's blog! Sorry:-)

  5. Whoopee! I get to answer. Way to go, other posters! And if you have a list, you should still post it, too!

    England, Ireland, Scotland (and Loch Ness) - because their weather and history and accents and legends are beautiful - and like Mrs. Chancey I could costume all the way! I want to see the old buildings.

    Iceland - because it is more untouched than lots of places. It's volcanic, frigid, with a community feel to the culture, I understand. Plus I love Norse history, and it would be cool to see some ruins there.

    Kentucky: Answers in Genesis new Creation Museum. Why? It's a given. See their website (linked on the side).

    Arlington, Virginia, to see Robert E. Lee's mansion. Other patriotic sites along there, including the ocean.

    Ecuador and Peru - awesome ancient architecture.

    Chicago again - my favorite city on earth.

    Maine, too. Something about the semi-arctic climate and lots of trees and rocks is very intriguing.

    If I think of any others, I'll post them.

    To God be all glory,

  6. I wanna go to the creation museum too!!! I was able to attend an AIG conference a few years ago and it was FABULOUS.
