Wednesday, October 25, 2006

The Bible Makes Studies Obsolete

In a recent study, Beth Israel Medical Center of Boston found that one or two alcoholic drinks daily can significantly help lower the risk of heart attack in men. The reason doctors do not recommend this preventative measure is that the risks of abusing alcohol are too great. As a personal preference in my ten months being of legal drinking age, I haven't had any drinks. So I'm not necessarily telling everyone to run out and drink every day.

The point I want to make is that, once again, the Bible had it right long before we did. Paul instructed Timothy to take a little wine. Throughout the Bible we see the consumption of alcohol. It is never forbidden, though to attend some protestant churches and to study the history of the United States one would think so. What is discouraged and often forbidden is getting drunk, being given to wine or to much wine. Don't let anything control you but God, whether you eat or drink or whatever you do.

Sound familiar? Isn't that what the doctors said? Why did they have to do the study? The Bible is practical. The information God's Word provides is not only for spiritual, religious activity. In fact there is no separation. God is sovereign over all of life, and what we eat and drink has to do with our spiritual health.

Pamela recently blogged about the spirituality of dieting. I have a friend who asks, "Isn't gluttony one of the seven deadly sins? Do you know how often the Bible addresses gluttony? When is the last time you heard a sermon against over-eating?" Yet studies and books are constantly getting media attention for advancing the latest diet or bemoaning the newest statistics on obesity. I want to wave my hand. Hey! Over here! Didn't the Bible already tell us how to handle this?

To what other questions and problems did God already provide the answers?

To God be all glory.

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