Saturday, October 21, 2006

Colossians and Nothings

You know life, that very temporary occupation that interrupts eternity? Such an interruption has been prohibiting me from blogging this week. Except, well, Colossians 3 says to set your mind on things above, and the "things above" has been the main distraction, since mostly I've been reading Christian books and preparing to teach a Bible study, the notes for which I posted, but on which nobody commented. I hope the students have more to say when I teach! Interaction is essential to my teaching style!

I was thinking, for no apparent reason, that instead of whipsering tender little nothings, young men these days tend to IM teasing little nothings. Does the modern version mean the same thing? My guess is that teasing is different. The good ladies at Young Ladies Christian Fellowship and Carolyn McCulley's blog have passed on the male-originated advice that girls should never assume that a young man means something by, well, nothing; whence sprung one of my life creeds: never assume more than a man clearly states.

This little motto has helped me a number of times, as not only does it prohibit me from assuming that opening a door means a man wants to marry me, but my conviction also prevents me from believing that a young man dislikes me simply because he didn't sit down and talk... for an hour. (I told you I like interaction.)

Can you believe October is flying so fast? This past week we had two snows here in Colorado! Two. I know, if you live anywhere else, you think Colorado is a winter wonderland all the time. Truth be known, we have very fickle winters. In the northern states, whatever snow falls from the clouds remains until spring, under layers of precipitation from subsequent storms. However, here, the snow almost always melts within a few days of the storm. My favorite part of Colorado weather is the wind. Scotland has wind. See next post.

To God be all glory.

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