Sunday, December 10, 2006

Ornament Hangers

I don't know about your household, but every year we have certain Christmas traditions involving the Christmas tree. We pick one out from a tree lot. Then we fit it into our van, cram it through our door, and debate which angle is straightest. Mom puts on the lights. Each kid has an ornament from each Christmas they've been alive (approximately). The music that plays in the background: Bing Crosby and Evie mostly has been the same year after year.

Usually I sit at some point patiently detangling our ornament hangers. We have quite the collection of sizes and colors, bent into different variations on the hook theme. In January they get stripped from the tree and stuffed in a plastic bag. Entropy sets in so that a lot of work is required to get them in working order in December.

This year I was thinking about life. At Christmas we sort out life, think through the year past, and remember years past. School stops. Vacation comes. We remember our priorities. Jesus came to earth. Immanuel changes everything. He is our reason for the season and every season. So life gets detangled, if only long enough to say "Merry Christmas" to the people we love.

To God be all glory.

1 comment:

  1. I like this piece. It makes me smile and feel peaceful inside. Thanks
