Wednesday, January 24, 2007


There is an apron contest going on, giving away a pretty apron. Since I thought any female readers might be interested (and in an attempt to increase female readership - hint: the blog has "Lady" in the title - not to scare any of my few readers away), and because you get to enter the contest an extra time if you link to the contest, guess what? I'm linking. You have to see the picture. It's beautiful. And if you're too late for the contest, or if you just don't win, there are more aprons for sale.

A google blog search for posts about aprons yielded this link. I enjoyed it. Aprons are neat. My grandma made old-fashioned aprons for my aunts and female cousins a few years ago, and I love mine. Watching Wives and Daughters I was so jealous of Molly's aprons that I made one of my own - then made some for my friends for Christmas 2005. I'd like to sell them, but all my ideas for sales are trends I'd like to set, so I'm not sure how to create the market. Anyway, aprons are still full of meaning, like a nice leather briefcase to a businessman, the author of the above post says.

To God be all glory.

1 comment:

  1. My mother wore an apron. I used to wear an apron but I haven't put it on for a long time. I didn't realize how much it can say. I hope my daughter remembers me in an apron. Thanks for the link.
    I think the first time I tried to comment it didn't work. I hope I am not doubling my commentby accident.
