Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Large Family Stories

Amy of Humble Musing fame had a link to this long article about many different large families. I really enjoyed reading how the couples each learned through their experiences. Some came from large families. Some just wanted a lot of kids. Some were willing to receive as many "blessings" as God would give, but only had a few kids. Another interesting family tried several means of birth control, but God, as they said, kept "overruling."

What it all comes down to is do you trust God? He says children are a blessing. Do you believe Him. He is in control of everything, including your family size. Do you believe that? If He gives you children, He also gives the patience, the wisdom, the skill, and the help to raise them. Does that make sense? Can you trust that? Finally, trusting God to provide is more responsible than trusting yourself. Who's more able?

I had a discussion with a friend a few months ago about the rising trend of families who will have many children despite culture, despite complications, despite "poverty." They don't believe in welfare. They believe in God. This article is evidence of my side of the discussion.

To God be all glory.


  1. That's a really cool article. That's the way I'd want my family to be (big with God in control).

  2. i enjoyed that article, too, after reading it from someone else linking to it... i'm the oldest in a family of soon-to-be 9 kids. i have seen this dependence on God's provision many times in my life. He does provide, for His name's sake. He knows what is best for each family, each couple. it really does come down to trust and submission.

    i hope you get the opportunity to learn this trust yourself as God blesses you with a family someday! :)

  3. I wanted to mention how blessed I am by kalipay's comments. Thanks for reading (and interacting with) my blog!
    To God be all glory,
    Lisa of Longbourn
