Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Beautiful House

As I was reading through the blogosphere today I encountered an ad, yes, an advertisement on which I had to click. What I found is the website above, supplied with pictures from an expert photographer. The house is for sale, and though I don't have the money to buy such a lovely house, one of you might, so I'm providing free advertising.

The reason that I linked it, though, is because the house is so fantastic. You feel like you might visit one like this if you visited a very important but hospitable family. Go, look at all the pictures. Dream. And, if you can afford it and want to live there, you might even buy!

My little imagination is always collecting aspects of homes to be added into the custom home I will probably never own. Some of the things, happily, would be usable for any house or apartment: what to do with each room, how to organize, how to decorate, installing shelves. One thing I would love to have is a high windowseat (one you could either jump on and kick like a counter, or that you could access by a short ladder) with storage underneath.

For some of my ideas I actually keep a little folder titled "Lisa's Hope Chest." Hey - if you can't embroider, you might as well hope for ideas, right? You might try it. Write out ideas for your home and family. Decorate the outside with pictures that inspire you. Put only the best (and only the handwritten) in your folder.

To God be all glory.

1 comment:

  1. *sighs* Just think of the parties you could have in that house! And that of course, is the most important thing for us =) It's beautiful. The newest favorite thing that I'm adding to my house plans is a sideways garage...with windows on the front of the house. So cute. Do you ever "window shop" for houses? =)
