Sunday, June 24, 2007

Chocolate Trifle

I mentioned this dessert on my last post, and decided to give you the simple, variable instructions on making it.

I use a pedestal dessert dish, and can make three layers most of the time. The first layer is brownies torn to pieces, covering the whole surface. Then add chocolate mousse (or thick pie filling or the no-bake chocolate desserts mixed). After this is whipped cream (or Cool Whip). Finally crumble a candy bar like a Skor Bar or Hershey's Cookies 'n Chocolate (may not be available anymore); make sure it is crumbly, not too hard, and has lots of chocolate! I use mini semi-sweet chocolate chips in a pinch.

Try to keep the layers as straight and separate as possible, and do three layers. I use about 16-20 oz. of Cool Whip, 3-4 cups of Chocolate Mousse, a couple regular-sized candy bars, and one batch of brownies (cooled completely).

My friends all love it, and I'm sorry to see it go so fast, because I would love more myself! This is the general idea.


  1. OT. . . since you love Chicago, I thought you'd like this site. You can zoom in on the photo.

    Grace and peace,

  2. emmm. I want some.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Ummm, this looks so good! I'm enjoying your blog... :)

    Thank you Lisa, for your visit and kind words of encouragement. May His peace which passes all understanding always guard your heart and mind.
    God bless you!
