Tuesday, April 08, 2008

It Bit Me...

Close-up Image of a Doorknob
Close-up Image of a Doorknob

A doorknob bit my finger tonight. I was simply using it like a doorknob, holding the door open after I'd turned it, and all of a sudden a piece of my finger was caught and torn. It bled for about ten minutes, and really hurt. Now it doesn't, but bandaids are terribly inconvenient.

Anyone know how to fix a loose and murderous doorknob?

To God be all glory.


  1. What to do with the doorknob?

    Kill it, that's what! Grenade, knife, shotgun, whatever. :-P

    P.S. I hope your finger is okay?

  2. Well on the way to recovery. I gave it a couple nights on antibiotic ointment, as it was tender in the infected way, but that gave my finger the soggy wrinkly feeling, so I gave up. It is much better now.

    The doorknob remains on the door, and we are under orders to turn it only in a counter-clockwise direction, I think, so that it doesn't bite us. But I think we're looking into replacement, but that's so complicated with a lock. If we do replace it, I will certainly employ one or all of your suggestions on its demise, Dr. Paleo. I'm not sure how well a knife would work, even one of my brother's very sharpened selections.

    To God be all glory,
    Lisa of Longbourn
