Friday, October 03, 2008

PERSONALITIES IN THE READING OF BOOKS. a purely entertaining theory on style.

Personalities in the reading of books. A purely entertaining theory on style.

There is one personality that does not read books at all. They are busy doing, and know enough to excel in their lives.

Others read to get through it, but the words have no impact and no staying power. These people seek recognition (by themselves or by others) for accomplishment.

A social person reads the best parts aloud. They can’t stand to keep their experience to themselves.

Some read books with a pen or pencil, to underline the important parts or the best quotes. This is the person who wishes to reference the book in the future. A book becomes a harvest field for writing, teaching, or life.

Others fold corners. When no one else is around, the read aloud person intends to come back to the folded corner and read it to a friend.

Highlighter in hand, some readers turn their page colorful. More visual than verbal by nature, these people will remember more of the text because the background is yellow, orange, or pink.

A few scribble responses or tiny notes in the margins. Overflowing with thoughts on what they read, they must get the ideas down while they are fresh.

And some are completely unsatisfied until they have written a response, ranging from the casual book review to the essay twice the size of the reading. Feeling the world is not complete until their thoughts have been expressed, this reader is an intercessor between the book and the world.

To God be all glory.

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