There's another cause, too. In December, for several reasons, we should cancel laundry: 1. We are buying new clothes for Christmas parties anyway. 2. We are receiving new clothes at Christmas. 3. We are never at home, so laundry is impossible. 4. There's going to be enough guilt from all the candy and baked goods we eat, and all the New Year's Resolutions we instantly break. Why add unfinished laundry?
(To be honest, my laundry is all caught up as of about an hour from now. And I really don't get new clothes at Christmas or make New Year's Resolutions. Nor do I feel guilty about my sugar intake.)
Aren't the colors so vibrant?
See. Winter.
This old house was so charming as I drove that I took a picture of it, too. Denver is a lot nicer place when you see the cozy residential areas near downtown.
Speaking of waiting, that is one of only two things that I have done this season. The other is enduring impossible stores with gifts impossible to find or afford. I'm ready to stop waiting in lines and in traffic and behind trains and for people to come or go or catch up. My idea of nice waiting is to be curled up in front of the Christmas tree with a book, Nat King Cole and Bing Crosby crooning in the background, a nice plate of fudge and a cinnamon roll handy.
These are some of our family's signature cookies. Admit it. You never want just one of those regular-sized cookies. So instead of making you go back until you've had three or four, we put the whole serving into one cookie. They're amazing. And my 11 year old sister is a pro at making them, attributed to her procrastinating style.
Merry Christmas!
I was in Denver twice over the holidays. Too bad the terminal faced the plains side of Colorado.
I love the mountains.
That's why Colorado is my favorite state. After Texas. Maybe close to a tie.
Did you have a Merry Christmas, your first married Christmas?
Our family just hung out and played games and watched movies - after presents of course, which takes a long time with eight people in the family.
I'm sorry you missed the mountains. I was in my favorite city, Chicago, earlier this year and didn't get to see any of it 'cause I was stuck in an airport facing the wrong way. O'Hare is huge!
To God be all glory,
Lisa of Longbourn
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