Monday, October 04, 2010

One's Own Motives

Isn’t it strange to be curious about one’s own motives?  Almost as an outside observer I watch myself stop blogging.  And then I wonder what is going on in my life or my psyche or even in my spirit that distracts me and stifles me and prevents me from writing.  This inquiry has produced a few related theories, and though I cannot prove that they are the explanation, they are at least interesting enough realities to share with you, my few remaining readers.

First, I believe myself to be undergoing a change.  Some effects of this are conscious and others, I am proposing, subconscious.  You may understand better if I tell you about the effects.  If you have read my blog for a while, you probably realized that I more or less left the institutional church.  This was not merely a reaction to problems in an individual church, but to learning about how God designed the Church to function.  I left in hope, seeking a more organic and interactive body driven by the Spirit of God and led by the Captain of our Salvation, Jesus Christ.  The man-made programs and pre-designed roles into which traditional churches tend to insert members I have particularly rejected.  Instead, I believe in ministries of pouring into each others’ lives, dependent on “walking in the Spirit” for the words and abilities required to edify our fellow Christians.  This is considerably harder than a clearly-defined responsibility for two hours a week at a church building.  I used to be an Awana leader, one of those established and exemplified jobs in the systemized church.  I did a lot with Awana.  But a year and a half ago, I decided to quit.  I pulled out, grateful for what I had learned and the springboard it had been into a lifestyle of serving God. 

Since I left those two things behind I have spent a lot of money on gas, getting to the homes and activities of my friends; and a lot of time on Facebook, keeping up with the thoughts and feelings and doings of my friends; and a fair amount of hunger on restaurant and fast food, fellowshipping over meals somewhat as prescribed in the Bible.  Sidewalk counseling is another ministry I do that is fairly open.  The times are established, but I’m not scheduled to be there (though I do sometimes promise in advance to see others on specific days).  We have speeches, but sometimes new admonitions or offers or explanations come to our lips.  There is much prayer there, and cooperation by which we are supported outwardly and spiritually. 

When I began this blog, it was an overflow from mass emails I had been sending to several friends (with rare responses).  It was a chance to practice writing – something I still believe God has gifted me to do.  And in writing new ideas down, I learned new things and worked out a lot of what I believe as a twenty-something.  The hope was to find interested people who would interact with me here.  In that way, my blog was less successful than I had hoped. 

The craving all along has been for profound communication – and community.  As I caught up to that desire intellectually, and my life caught up practically, a circle of friends has replaced blogging in my hopes for sharpening and encouragement.  I found an audience that speaks back to me – not on demand, but when I need to be reminded.  And they share new things that I wasn’t seeking.  Or they answer questions before I’ve spent weeks trying to answer them on my own.  In doing ministry in community and praying as a group and studying the Bible together, I’ve continued to learn (and grow in my application!). 

I’m in a learning phase of life, changing and questioning and uncertain how things will work out.  A lot of what consumes my thoughts is personal, unsuited to the wall-less worldwide web.  To write down what I think with as much confidence as I used to just isn’t my mood. 

Now when I get online and have something to say, I tend to say it in a personal email or on Facebook: that great responsibility of a social networking site.  It’s a way to know and be known.  That web-world invites cooperative exploration of ideas.  People can be encouraged and challenged when they didn’t go looking for it.  I can find out when a friend is sick and needs orange juice, or discouraged and needs a phone call, or tempted and needs prayer.  Though the danger is that the Facebook world lets people live outside of reality, for me it connects me to reality much more than blogging. 

Sir Francis Bacon once wrote that “Acorns were good until bread was found.”  That’s my life now. 

Though, I always have had a fascination with acorns…

To God be all glory.


  1. Lisa-
    It was great visiting at the Christian home today. I enjoy your company and getting to know you better. Though I do tend to be somewhat of a loner, I also enjoy the fellowship of believers. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and heart in your writing. You are a gifted and talented author. Like singing I enjoy writing but I'm no professional...anyway. :)
    You wrote in your blog "The craving all along has been for profound communication-and community." I appreciate and relate to this thought in many ways. Mainly, I think we're all just seeking validation, understanding and people who love us as we are and are willing to risk sharing life together. I have to confess I'm anti-Facebook . I do strive everyday though to share life with those the Lord puts in my path. Lord willing I'm able in some small way enter into the joy and sorrow of peoples lives and journey with them. Anyway...I've rambled too much here. I'll send you an email sometime. Blessings for a great week! Lord willing see you soon. Nicole
    P.S. I'm completely excited about the concierge business idea. Not even joking! haha!
    P.P.S. The pedicure was a nice splurge! And from one non-writer to you a real writer...forgive my poor grammar and writing skills. I write to the common folk! :)

  2. Thanks, Nicole.

    I am not a professional writer. I am an obsessive yet undisciplined writer.

    I had lots of fun with you the other night. I'm not even joking. And I'm interested in the delivery/concierge service, too. We might have to charge exorbitant fees, but some people are willing to pay!

    Have a good week yourself.
    To God be all glory,
    Lisa of Longbourn

  3. "Captain of Our Salvation" !!! =)

    Good stuffs! =)

    Thanks, Lisa.

    -MAC "<>< = )"
