Friday, March 26, 2010

6 Reasons the Health Care Reform Bill Is Wrong

These things seem so simple to me.

1. Congress has no jurisdiction (per the Constitution of the United States) to regulate health care. (Never mind they already do.) Nor do they have the right to mandate that every citizen purchase any kind of service or product. Ever heard of FREEDOM?

2. The Federal Government and its constituency, cannot afford this plan. Rather, they are already bankrupt. By committing to funding the health care of millions, with all the bureaucracy behind implementing this law, the situation is made IMMEDIATELY worse. Lenders do not do business with irresponsible spenders. Responsible spenders out-compete those with no (well-backed) cash of their own.

3. The bill is too long. Laws that apply to the common people need to be able to be read and understood by the common people. (Oh, and by those enforcing the laws, and by those legislating, and by judges.)

4. The American people were outspoken in opposition to this version of health care reform. Yet those claiming to be our representatives turned a suspiciously deaf ear to the will of the citizens. There is a degree to which this is the people's fault for electing untrustworthy and ignorant representatives. Still, doesn't justice demand that we hold individuals accountable for their corruption?

5. The procedure by which the bill was passed was dishonest and illegal, involving lies (remember the State of the Union?), bribery, closed-door planning and negotiations, and that pretty much not one of the Congressmen or Congresswomen voting for the bill actually read it.

6. Health Care Reform as passed this week will not work. You cannot put money through a middle man and get more on the other side. The government is not the best judge of appropriate or necessary or quality health care. Try the doctors and their patients. Look for these results: doctors leaving the practice of medicine; long waits to see a doctor; limits on the type of care that will be covered; fines for having too much or too little health insurance; people who figure out how to scam the government-sponsored plans; states going bankrupt... I'm not a genius. I can't list every outcome.

I ordered these in layers of importance. Number 1 is a sufficient reason for us to never be here. We should never have gotten to number 2. And number two is a good enough warning to prevent needing number 3. And so on. Pragmatism is last because there are often things that will work that shouldn't be done.

None of my arguments can be refuted by saying that the health care system of 2 weeks ago needed reformation. If I get a papercut, I might need treatment. Of three options: anti-bacterial bandaid, lemon juice, and bacteria - only one treatment is a good plan. You cannot, saying "Something must be done," only do whatever "something" you want. The idea of a representative government is to entrust wise people with sorting out the best "something." Here they have chosen rather close to the worst.

To God be all glory.

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