But I think eventually the best situation is a linkage. But if the linkage is not there, you know, the phased withdrawl, it has to happen. Because right now, it can't be any worse. There's a civil war going on. The Iraqi people want us to leave. So, you cut your losses.
The can't-be-any-worse argument was also very popular in 1975 in Vietnam, and Cambodians found out that it could actually get quite a good deal worse. Is that something that worries you? What do you build into that process?
Yeah. It worries me, but how worse can it get?
Two million people killed in a genocide?
Are the stakes not obvious? Do so few people understand war? What on earth is he thinking, that this is the worst the Middle East could possibly get? Did our education system teach him no history?
Read the whole interview here if you're interested in context. We're not losing. Only politically, here, in the US, are we remotely losing this war. But the political, grassroots war is on. Some patriots are not interested in surrendering to (or negotiating with) terrorists. Hurray for the power of the press! We're the United States! Don't tell me we can't win.
To God be all glory.
It is good to see a reporter that understands both the soct to Iragis if we leave prematurely and the good we are doing. I don't hear that message much in the media. Even more neglected is that the war in Iraq is protecting America from terrorist attacks here at home. Sept. 11 seems to be a forgotten "unpleastantness".
I think we are winning and will win the war because "The Lord hates hands that shed innocent blood and a heart that devises wicked schemes.? Prov. 6:17,18
I believe you mean "understands both the cost to Iraqis..."
This week I read about Daniel in my devotions. He was known as a faithful man without fault or error, a man of excellent spirit and wisdom. He had such a relationship with God at such a time in history that God gave him visions, letting Daniel know detailed events in the future.
One event was Antiochus Epiphanes, who would be part of a successive empire. This wicked man, however, God promised would cast down truth to the ground, and prosper (Daniel 8:12). In the end, after more than a thousand days of outright blasphemy in the temple of God, then God would punish him, and restore the temple. Sometimes the wicked prosper. Sometimes this is part of God's plan.
My favorite Psalm, though, is Psalm 37, which addresses the question of the wicked prospering while the righteous suffer.
To God be all glory,
Lisa of Longbourn
You are right about the cost--guess I didn't proofread too well.
I like Psalm 37 too. Helps keep perspective when the wicked do prosper for a time.
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