Friday, February 23, 2007

Are there any Gentlemen Left?

When I logged onto my computer just now to post the previous two articles, my homepage, Ladies Against Feminism, distracted me for about five minutes (because I had to read the article twice: once to myself and once aloud) with a tantalizing essay on Sense and Sensibility, particularly Col. Brandon. If you are a fan of Jane Austen, you might want to take a moment to sigh over thoughts you've already had and probably already expressed. Then take hope at the testimony of the author.

As a side note, I am eagerly awaiting the new Masterpiece Theater/BBC adaptations of Mansfield Park, Northanger Abbey, Sense and Sensibility, and, happily, Persuasion. If you're willing to settle for a movie set in a slightly earlier era in the mean time, let me recommend Amazing Grace, which was released today. Thought I haven't yet seen the film, I am impressed and excited by the trailer.

I am considering a series of posts on either Faramir from Lord of the Rings or on Wives and Daughters. What is your feedback? Which would you rather ponder?

To God be all glory.


Anonymous said...

I would like to see what you have to say about Faramir.

The Warrior said...

Ooh, I saw this on LAF and was going to blog it!

Anonymous said...

You'd better post about Faramir unless you're willing to wait until after I've seen the rest of Wives and Daughters =) I'm in such supense! And when will we ever manage to have coinciding free time within the next two weeks? Such busyness...