Saturday, March 22, 2008


This poem is in one of my favorite hymnals, a paperback. I have the numbers memorized for all my favorite songs. But this is not a song, but a thoughtful poem inserted between hymns. GA Studdert-Kennedy wrote a little poem called Indifference. I looked for more poems he wrote, and found his whole online book, The Unutterable Beauty. It's sublime.

To God be all glory.

1 comment:

Lisa of Longbourn said...

I want to say that after reading more of his poems, he sometimes sounds a lot like George MacDonald or modern-day emergents who deny the sovereign, righteous justice of God to soothe their confused and aching hearts. So I'm not endorsing him, except as a study of what a man thinks. Somehow in poetry I can allow doubt and confusion, because it's like confession, it's feelings rather truth-claims, questions more than statements.

To God be all glory,
Lisa of Longbourn